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- T-Mobile Official OS 6.0 For The 9700
- Another Chance to Win a BlackBerry PlayBook in our March Rewards Contest!
- RIM Needs A Banned Spoof PlayBook Commercial!
- Does the PlayBook Really Need 65,000 Plus Apps to be Successful
- BlackBerry PlayBook OS Updates Will be Wireless – App Updates Will Not Require Reboot
- Full Documents to Go Suite included FREE with BlackBerry PlayBook
- February Rewards Contest BlackBerry Playbook Prize Winner is…
- Will We Actually Get Quake 3 for the BlackBerry PlayBook?
- PlayBook OS to Have App Notifications to “Display Events Such as New Email”
T-Mobile Official OS 6.0 For The 9700 Posted: 04 Mar 2011 05:11 PM PST Many carriers have officially released OS 6.0 for most devices the latest one to officially bless the 9700 with OS 6.0 is T-Mobile USA. The software has to be updated when you plug your 9700 to your pc via USB cable and launching desktop manager. If the OS is available for you it will prompt you to upgrade to v6.0.0.448. That is one of the versions that was leaked a while ago but if you been waiting for the official version plug your device to desktop manger. I was able to grab the screenshot when I plugged mine into the pc. Thanks to Tashana for the tip. This is an official OS but the warning still applies always do a backup before any upgrades. There is no official word from T-mobile but it looks like it will be official soon. Update looks like I forgot that I had loaded .461. One of our readers pointed out that the update is actually .448 not .461 Source: Tmonews If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Luis Merlos for ©BerryReview, March 4, 2011, 8:11 pm. | T-Mobile Official OS 6.0 For The 9700 | 2 comments | |
Another Chance to Win a BlackBerry PlayBook in our March Rewards Contest! Posted: 04 Mar 2011 03:00 PM PST Our BerryReview Rewards Contests has been a huge success in January and even more so in February. Due to the overwhelming response we have decided to extend the contest to run for another month in March thanks to the BerryReview Unlocking Store, your #1 source for BlackBerry unlock codes. That means you have another chance to win a BlackBerry PlayBook IOU in our March Rewards Contest which is already underway! The PlayBook is rumored to launch either this month or next so it won't be long before you can have one in your hands. This is your chance to win one by simply leaving a comment, forum post, and/or tip submission during the month of March 2011. Pretty easy right? Every comment, forum post, and/or tip submission counts as another entry so get cracking! The winner will get their choice of a either a free BlackBerry PlayBook (base model) when it is publicly available or a $500 Amazon/PayPal gift certificate. So here is what you need to know about the rules:
Start a New Forum Discussion Visit the forums So what are you waiting for? Let us know why you want/deserve a BlackBerry PlayBook below! If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview, March 4, 2011, 6:00 pm. | Another Chance to Win a BlackBerry PlayBook in our March Rewards Contest! | 12 comments | |
RIM Needs A Banned Spoof PlayBook Commercial! Posted: 04 Mar 2011 02:21 PM PST Our friend Simon posted this iPad 2 spoof ad over at Intomobile and we though some of our readers would find it funny too. If RIM is not going to start promoting their PlayBook anytime soon maybe they could use a banned PlayBook ad instead. Check out the video below is always funny how this guys are quick to get this funny videos out, including some of Charlie Sheen's quotes. My favorite is the drunk spoof.
Drunken Banned iPad Promo Source: Intomobile & TechCrunch If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Luis Merlos for ©BerryReview, March 4, 2011, 5:21 pm. | RIM Needs A Banned Spoof PlayBook Commercial! | One comment | |
Does the PlayBook Really Need 65,000 Plus Apps to be Successful Posted: 04 Mar 2011 11:00 AM PST
Some of my most used apps include the browser, Twitter apps, screenshot apps, e-mail all the time, CNN money, word press, clock app, and definitely BBM. As you can see from the list most of those are native BlackBerry apps. I feel that the more apps the more cluttered it is and the harder it is to find a good quality apps especially if you have to pay for them you may be spending on something you may use once or twice. Don't get me wrong am one of the first to try out new apps but if I don't see a use for them they get deleted. I am for developer making good apps and getting paid for their hard work. It would be close minded to say all these new tablets don't have potential and dismissing them and it would be pointless if we were to say the PlayBook will climb to the top before the battle is fought. We know what the choices are out there and each person has a choice. Ronen pointed out some in a previous article why he thinks the PlayBook is the best. Now that the iPad 2, an array of different android, and windows based tablets are scheduled to hit the market in the next few month sites will be filled with different comparison. The tablet war is heating up and those first to Market will likely have a better chance on grabbing a good chunk of market share. The iPad of course has a huge lead on most of them and I do believe RIM should had at least launched an ad campaign with an official release date instead of waiting for the others to overshadow it. News and radio shows all they talk about is Apple products specially because Apple has become a household name. RIM needs that kind of market recognition to compete since the market has too many options these days and customers don’t necessarily care about security they like that new flashy device on the shelve. The PlayBook will have probably the best browser in any mobile device out there which includes native flash and full web experience. Ronen also mentioned that The PlayBook will allow you to have the full web at your fingertips and yes you will still need apps to get certain things done. I believe that a good device should be one that can do and deliver dependable functionality out of the box and not have to depend on apps to make it or break it. Apps should be an added plus to allow you to increase productivity based on what you needs. So any tablet whether it be the PlayBook, Android based or iPad they will always need apps, is a combination of both things. The PC and Macs both depend on programs that make it all work so the same can be said about tablets . This is where the PlayBook will have an advantage the fact that it will have a full web browser and a decent amount of applications at launch. Once the device is in the market the apps will come so there is not reason why the PlayBook should be discarded just because it will not have hundreds of apps at launch. I think that once people have had a chance to test the capabilities of the device they will start building apps that are needed and eventually build up the number of apps. It is premature to say the device is doomed just because the apps aren’t there yet and there is no telling how many apps are already submitted to RIM so we may get a good surprise once the device launches. I know there’s quite a few points to my post but what are your thoughts? If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Luis Merlos for ©BerryReview, March 4, 2011, 2:00 pm. | Does the PlayBook Really Need 65,000 Plus Apps to be Successful | 12 comments | |
BlackBerry PlayBook OS Updates Will be Wireless – App Updates Will Not Require Reboot Posted: 04 Mar 2011 10:10 AM PST
Continuing my series of updates on the BlackBerry PlayBook I was happy to learn that the BlackBerry PlayBook will be able to install apps AND update apps without rebooting. This has been something that has plagued the BlackBerry OS for years and I am glad it is finally going away with the Tablet OS. This is not an advantage over the competition but is a very welcome change! On the other hand I learned something new in a confirmation from RIM. The BlackBerry PlayBook OS updates will be able to be performed wirelessly sans desktop manager or a desktop at all. That is a big leg up from the main player in the market, the iPad, which requires iTunes for OS updates. The only downside about the OS updates is that for now the BlackBerry PlayBook OS updates will require a reboot for an OS upgrade. The thing is one of the main powers of the QNX microkernel is that it can easily be changed to not require a reboot for the Tablet OS updates. The QNX kernel only contains critical processes like CPU scheduling with everything else being a layer on top of that microkernel. That microkernel is rarely if ever updated so RIM will probably take advantage of this shortly allowing for OS updates without a reboot. The QNX kernel is very cool in that every part of the OS other than the microkernel can fail and "self heal" itself back to life without crashing everything else. The QNX kernel also has fastboot features which allow the devs to have processes kick off before the full OS loads so it is all about how RIM executes on this. I can also confirm that I have seen an early dev model reboot this week and it took about 35 seconds to do so. Not a big deal at all and the PM said they have made it even faster in the current internal builds. If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview, March 4, 2011, 1:10 pm. | BlackBerry PlayBook OS Updates Will be Wireless – App Updates Will Not Require Reboot | 4 comments | |
Full Documents to Go Suite included FREE with BlackBerry PlayBook Posted: 04 Mar 2011 09:15 AM PST One of the value propositions I hesitated to mention yesterday in my "Why I Choose the BlackBerry PlayBook Over the Competition" was Documents to Go. I first wanted to confirm with RIM what exactly will be included in terms of Documents to Go on the PlayBook. I have to say the response I got back is awesome! The BlackBerry PlayBook will ship with the full version of Documents to Go for FREE! This makes total sense and as far as I know will be the ONLY tablet that ships with a full suite of office compatible software. What does this mean to you? You will be able to both open AND edit Word documents, Excel and spreadsheet files, and PowerPoint files. It gets even better. RIM confirmed to me that they will also include an Adobe PDF reader with the BlackBerry PlayBook from Adobe. I doubt you will be able to edit PDF files but you will be able to open them natively. I guess we can chalk that up to another reason why I choose the BlackBerry PlayBook over the competition. It might not include native email without a BlackBerry Bridge but office compatibility is huge. Just to give you an idea you can pick up Documents to Go for the iPad it will run you $9.99 for Word and Excel and $16.99 if you also want PowerPoint. If you want to go with Apple's iWorks suite to do the same thing it will cost you $9.99 EACH for Pages (Word), Numbers (Excel), and KeyNote (PowerPoint). One of the main things I see myself using on the PlayBook other than full web browsing is document editing. It is almost impossible to view or edit an excel spreadsheet on a smartphone screen. On the PlayBook it looks awesome! I got a chance to play with early versions of the Documents to Go suite on the PlayBook at CES (pictures are from then) and then again this week with a much newer build and I have to say RIM has put in some seriously nice touches since then. I cannot wait for the final build! What do you think? If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview, March 4, 2011, 12:15 pm. | Full Documents to Go Suite included FREE with BlackBerry PlayBook | 8 comments | |
February Rewards Contest BlackBerry Playbook Prize Winner is… Posted: 04 Mar 2011 08:33 AM PST The much awaited launch of the BlackBerry PlayBook is almost upon us. We have been offering readers the chance to win a BlackBerry PlayBook (base model) when it is publicly available or a $500 Amazon/PayPal gift certificate and all you had to do to enter was leave a comment or forum post while logged in. The month of February blew past the comment/forums/tips record we set in January with every one counted as a chance to win. There were thousands of entries in the contest this month and the query to select the three finalists was a complex beast this month. We finally got a chance to sit down with our no longer such a secret finalist judge and he selected our winner. Without further ado the winner of a BlackBerry PlayBook courtesy of the BerryReview Unlocking Store is… Marc Paradise for this forum postWe hope you all had as much fun as we did with this contest and wish you better luck next month! We just got news that we will be able to run the same contest next month so stay tuned to your favorite BlackBerry news site where we will be announcing the contest shortly! Congrats Marc! You will be hearing from us shortly with further instructions. If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview, March 4, 2011, 11:33 am. | February Rewards Contest BlackBerry Playbook Prize Winner is… | 12 comments | |
Will We Actually Get Quake 3 for the BlackBerry PlayBook? Posted: 04 Mar 2011 06:54 AM PST One of the relatively impressive demos RIM has been showing off at shows is what they are calling a Quake 3 demo app. I grilled a few of the demo reps since CES and none of them could tell me if the app was just a video of Quake 3 running or the actual open source Quake 3 engine ported to the BlackBerry PlayBook. While the EA Need for Speed game is impressive I would love to actually play quake on the PlayBook and I keep on asking if they have it running yet… Anybody else want to play Quake 3 on the PlayBook? The engine behind Quake is open sourced as id Tech 3 back in 2005 and you can get the full source code ZIP at this link. That could get really interesting once RIM gets around to releasing the C/C++ SDK for game developers. Still it would be awesome if RIM shipped the PlayBook with Quake 3 preinstalled… Desktop Video Link | Mobile Video LinkIf you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview, March 4, 2011, 9:54 am. | Will We Actually Get Quake 3 for the BlackBerry PlayBook? | 6 comments | |
PlayBook OS to Have App Notifications to “Display Events Such as New Email” Posted: 04 Mar 2011 06:03 AM PST I was having a conversation with @Bla1ze last night and we were talking about 3rd party and native application notifications on the BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet OS. Right now I cannot find any documented API for developers to initiate notifications in the top right and top left bars on the PlayBook. There are some undocumented QNX APIs that some devs have spotted but I have not had any luck getting them to work. Developers have been asking about this on the official forums so I decided to do some digging. We touched on notifications a bit earlier this week for low battery but that's the only screenshot I have. Turns out RIM was kind enough to give us some insight on how notifications will work in their Development UI Guidelines for the BlackBerry Tablet OS. Essentially application specific events, they give the example of an event "such as a new email," will show up in the top left corner of the screen. Kind of makes you wonder how fast we will have a native email client… or at least a 3rd party one. On the top right of the screen will be the status indicators with battery power and wireless connection details. You can view these by swiping to the center of the screen from the top right or top left. Hopefully this feature will come to both AIR and WebWorks apps before launch. What I really want would be the ability to allow websites to initiate notifications easily just like a desktop browser that flashes when something happens like an incoming Facebook chat. Kind of cool right? Here is how RIM describes it: Notifications and indicators Application notifications appear in the top-left corner of the screen. These notifications inform users about application-specific events such as a new email. Status indicators appear in the top-right corner of the screen. These indicators display status information that applies across applications such as battery power and wireless connection. Application notifications alert users of a new event or new information that is secondary to their current activity. You can trigger an application notification when a new event or new information is available that users want to know about. Users can view the screen that displays notifications and indicators by swiping from the top-left or top-right toward the center of the screen. Users can access the details of a notification by tapping the flag icon at the top of the screen. Best practices
If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview, March 4, 2011, 9:03 am. | PlayBook OS to Have App Notifications to “Display Events Such as New Email” | 2 comments | |
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