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- Where Did My BlackBerry Bridge Browser Icon Go? (Answers)
- Upcoming Dingleberry v4.0 Promises Root Access on Latest OS 2.0 & Future Releases
- Taptu Ports their Free Social News Feed Reader to the PlayBook
- BlackBerry Mobile Fusion Studio Launches for Enterprise PlayBook Management & More
- PlayBook Video Store Will Support Other Countries Later This Year
- BlackBerry Video Store for PlayBook Launches in the US
- PlayBook OS 2.0 Seems to Use SwiftKey X Keyboard & Fluency Engine
- RIM Details What PlayBook Features Work Over Bridge & Wi-Fi
- BlackBerry Messenger Updated to v6.1.0.70
- PlayBook OS 2.0 Desktop Demo Site Lets You Explore New Features
- PlayBook Native & Bridge Browser Working Over AT&T BlackBerry Bridge Connection?
- Native PlayBook OS 2.0 Email, Contacts, & Calendar Work Over BlackBerry Bridge Internet Connection
- Scoble and Saunders are speaking different languages
- How to Add Yahoo Email, Contacts, & Calendar to Your PlayBook OS 2.0
- Tips & Tricks for BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 Email, Contacts, & Calendar (Help Us Build The List!)
- WordPress for the BlackBerry PlayBook now out!
Where Did My BlackBerry Bridge Browser Icon Go? (Answers) Posted: 22 Feb 2012 02:53 AM PST Many users who have upgraded to BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 this morning have been wondering where their BlackBerry Bridge Browser went all of a sudden. Turns out that it has dissapeared by design due to it being redundant for non BES users. According to this latest RIM knowledge base article the BlackBerry Bridge Icon only shows up on PlayBooks when the BlackBerry Smartphone is associated with a BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES). According to RIM:
In other words now that the native PlayBook Browser is fully capable of browsing the web through the Bridge non-BES users have no use for the Bridge Browser. The only reason you would use the Bridge Browser now is to browse your companies internal websites. Mystery solved! If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview, February 22, 2012, 5:53 am. | Where Did My BlackBerry Bridge Browser Icon Go? (Answers) | Leave a comment | | ||||||||||||||||||||
Upcoming Dingleberry v4.0 Promises Root Access on Latest OS 2.0 & Future Releases Posted: 21 Feb 2012 02:48 PM PST The Dingleberry PlayBook root team has been pretty quiet for the last few months slowly improving their tool. Now NerdBerry noticed that the Dingleberry team has posted the change log for their upcoming v4.0 release that promises quite a few treats. They claim that their upcoming release will be able to "root on any future firmware including and" which is very interesting. Also included in the v4.0 development change log:
Keep an eye out for for the update or check out the change log for yourself here. If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview, February 21, 2012, 5:48 pm. | Upcoming Dingleberry v4.0 Promises Root Access on Latest OS 2.0 & Future Releases | 2 comments | | ||||||||||||||||||||
Taptu Ports their Free Social News Feed Reader to the PlayBook Posted: 21 Feb 2012 02:35 PM PST Taptu let us know that they have ported their popular social news feed reader to the PlayBook using the Android player. In case you don't know Taptu allows you to pull in content from your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and favorite websites RSS feed (BerryReview obviously!) and create visual streams from them. You can then share articles back through Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Features include:
Check out Taptu free for the BlackBerry PlayBook in App World If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview, February 21, 2012, 5:35 pm. | Taptu Ports their Free Social News Feed Reader to the PlayBook | Leave a comment | | ||||||||||||||||||||
BlackBerry Mobile Fusion Studio Launches for Enterprise PlayBook Management & More Posted: 21 Feb 2012 12:22 PM PST
RIM has finally launched the first component in their revamp of their enterprise products. Today the launched BlackBerry Mobile Fusion Studio which is the overarching management server for mobile devices. Currently it can centrally manage your BlackBerry Enterprise Server or Enterprise Server Express installation along with controlling the new BlackBerry Device Service. BlackBerry Device Service is the new component that lets enterprises enforce policies and control BlackBerry PlayBooks. Their is a third part of Mobile Fusion that is coming in March which will also allow it to manage iOS and Android devices in what is called a MDM (Mobile Device Management) solution. RIM is now offering a free 90 day trial for Mobile Fusion for companies to test out with up to 500 licenses on their website. Its available in 45 countries around the world so this is thankfully not limited to North America. RIM is being very vague about final pricing but that is probably because it is an enterprise product. Right now they are saying that BlackBerry Device Service and Universal Device Service Client Access Licenses (CALs) start from $99 or $4.00 per month (billed annually). Check out all the details and sign up for the Mobile Fusion trial at If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview, February 21, 2012, 3:22 pm. | BlackBerry Mobile Fusion Studio Launches for Enterprise PlayBook Management & More | 4 comments | | ||||||||||||||||||||
PlayBook Video Store Will Support Other Countries Later This Year Posted: 21 Feb 2012 11:56 AM PST International BlackBerry PlayBook users were sort of bummed to learn that the new Video Store powered by Rovi was only available in the US at launch. Thankfully RIM has followed up on their blog with a little one liner promising support for more countries. Hopefully they can get a much broader release soon! Here is what they said:
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Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview, February 21, 2012, 2:56 pm. | PlayBook Video Store Will Support Other Countries Later This Year | 2 comments | | ||||||||||||||||||||
BlackBerry Video Store for PlayBook Launches in the US Posted: 21 Feb 2012 11:30 AM PST We knew that RIM was bringing a video store to the BlackBerry PlayBook and now it is finally here. PlayBook OS 2.0 introduced a new video store powered by Rovi through their acquired subsidiary Sonic Solutions. The only real catch is that it only works in the US currently but hopefully RIM can expand that further. I like how you can rent or buy thousands of movies and videos directly to your device and play them over HDMI on your TV. Features include:
Thanks Todd for the tip! If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview, February 21, 2012, 2:30 pm. | BlackBerry Video Store for PlayBook Launches in the US | 8 comments | | ||||||||||||||||||||
PlayBook OS 2.0 Seems to Use SwiftKey X Keyboard & Fluency Engine Posted: 21 Feb 2012 11:17 AM PST When I first played with PlayBook OS 2.0 with Jeff Gadway I knew the predictive text engine looked familiar. It looks like there may be a reason for that according to an Easter Egg spotted by Kevin @CrackBerry. SwiftKey X is a very popular third party keyboard for Android and the new PlayBook OS 2.0 keyboard has the same predictive wording where it suggests the name of Phil Collins and Ben Medlock (The CTO of SwiftKey). I looked in the legal notices for PlayBook OS 2.0 and did not notice any licenses for SwiftKey X but that could mean it simply did not need a written license. What is interesting is that SwiftKey X is really just a proof of concept project for their parent company TouchType Ltd and their core technology which is their Fluency prediction engine. It could be RIM only incorporated the Fluency prediction engine and not the full SwiftKey X keyboard. According to their product page for Fluency here are the features:
It is that last feature that really has me excited. There are quite a few PlayBook owners that are hoping for more language coverage ASAP! If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview, February 21, 2012, 2:17 pm. | PlayBook OS 2.0 Seems to Use SwiftKey X Keyboard & Fluency Engine | 6 comments | | ||||||||||||||||||||
RIM Details What PlayBook Features Work Over Bridge & Wi-Fi Posted: 21 Feb 2012 08:58 AM PST Now this is a first from what I have seen in terms of documentation for Bridge. RIM has always been a bit cagey about what works over Bridge and what does not since it launched BlackBerry Internet Browsing Service (BIBS) over BlackBerry Bridge with OS 1.0.7. Now with OS 2.0 they have released a really nice chart that details what PlayBook native apps require a Wi-Fi connection and which can fully or partially work over Bridge and BIBS.
That last one is the most interesting to me. I cannot understand why ActiveSync would work just fine over Bridge and not IMAP/POP… Maybe that is why my Gmail and Google Apps accounts are working since they can leverage ActiveSync. Any ideas? If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview, February 21, 2012, 11:58 am. | RIM Details What PlayBook Features Work Over Bridge & Wi-Fi | 6 comments | | ||||||||||||||||||||
BlackBerry Messenger Updated to v6.1.0.70 Posted: 21 Feb 2012 08:48 AM PST RIM is all about the updates today. Terrence let me know that RIM has started rolling out an update to BBM bringing us to v6.1.0.70. No word on what the update brings but expect to see it soon on your device. My guess is it might speed up Bridge integration with OS 2.0 but that is just speculation. Pick up BlackBerry Messenger in App World If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview, February 21, 2012, 11:48 am. | BlackBerry Messenger Updated to v6.1.0.70 | 3 comments | | ||||||||||||||||||||
PlayBook OS 2.0 Desktop Demo Site Lets You Explore New Features Posted: 21 Feb 2012 07:34 AM PST In case you don't have a BlackBerry PlayBook and want to check out what the deal is with OS 2.0 RIM has you covered. My buddy let me know that RIM has posted up the demo site for PlayBook OS 2.0 that shows off the new features and lets you explore them from your browser using Flash. It also works on the PlayBook but that seems a bit redundant. Check it out here on If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview, February 21, 2012, 10:34 am. | PlayBook OS 2.0 Desktop Demo Site Lets You Explore New Features | 2 comments | | ||||||||||||||||||||
PlayBook Native & Bridge Browser Working Over AT&T BlackBerry Bridge Connection? Posted: 21 Feb 2012 07:04 AM PST I am not sure when this changed but its news to me so I thought I would see how many others have noticed it. Originally when the PlayBook launched you were able to browse the web through the bridge browser on AT&T which caused AT&T to push RIM to block bridge app downloads for AT&T customers. Then RIM gave AT&T the option to block browsing over Bridge on AT&T and knowing the wonderful people at AT&T they immediately went about blocking it. Now with PlayBook OS 2.0 I can suddenly browse over the BlackBerry Bridge Browser again on AT&T through my BlackBerry Bold 9900. Both the native PlayBook Browser and the Bridge Browser are working over AT&T's Bridge connection and they are super zippy. The only reason I can think this might be intentional on AT&T's part is because I recently had to switch from their grandfathered unlimited plan to their $30/month for 3GB plan. If you are an AT&T BlackBerry user and PlayBook owner please let me know what you have experienced! If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview, February 21, 2012, 10:04 am. | PlayBook Native & Bridge Browser Working Over AT&T BlackBerry Bridge Connection? | 4 comments | | ||||||||||||||||||||
Native PlayBook OS 2.0 Email, Contacts, & Calendar Work Over BlackBerry Bridge Internet Connection Posted: 21 Feb 2012 06:43 AM PST One of the things that I was very curious about when it came to native Email, Contacts, & Calendar on the PlayBook is if those apps would work over Bridge. I am happy to report that all three of them are working just fine over bridge and are just marginally slower than Wi-Fi which is impressive. I am not sure how much data they are eating up on my limited data plan but I am loving it so far. When RIM gave us a demo of PlayBook OS 2.0 I could not get a straight answer from them on if these native apps would work over bridge so you don't need another data plan. I am so happy to report that it looks like you will not need an extra data plan or tethering plan! Let us know what you find! If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview, February 21, 2012, 9:43 am. | Native PlayBook OS 2.0 Email, Contacts, & Calendar Work Over BlackBerry Bridge Internet Connection | 5 comments | | ||||||||||||||||||||
Scoble and Saunders are speaking different languages Posted: 21 Feb 2012 06:32 AM PST This past weekend Robert Scoble posted on why he was pessimistic about the future of RIM, and was followed by a response by Alec Saunders. However it is unlikely that the two of them are going to come to much of an agreement, because they are talking about two totally separate things. Saunders’ response is about the many cross-platform development opportunities that BlackBerry provides. RIM has been pushing this approach for a while now with the PlayBook taking the approach that it should support as many development platforms as possible (similar to desktop Windows). Why should developers support BlackBerry? Anyone who has seen one of Alec’s presentations knows that he always emphasizes the ability for developers to make money on the platform. Stats about how the total amount of money spent in BlackBerry AppWorld is more then is spent in Android Market. But to many in Silicon Valley (such as Scoble), this does not matter. For the many venture backed start ups in silicon valley the goal is not to make money. The goal is not to increase revenue and make a profit. The goal instead is to find a company willing to spend money to buy them out. The goal is to find more wealthy backers willing to invest a few million in the hopes that it can later be sold for more. The ability to actually make money on a platform could not matter less. Look back at Scoble’s original post. In it he says that “I just don’t see how most of the world’s “pro” development shops (I.E. the ones that are venture backed) will support more than Android and iOS.” Note the wording here. He doesn’t consider developers like myself to be professionals. Yet I would argue that we are actually the ones going about and working to create serious businesses. And (with some exceptions) we are the ones that are most likely to support BlackBerry. For example EA, has never hesitated to support BlackBerry. This is not because it makes EA look good, and not because it allows them to put out a press release, but because it makes them money. EA isn’t running around town looking for investors or trying to find a buyer, instead they are simply trying their best to sell games for a profit. For those companies that exist solely for the purpose of raising (and spending) another round maybe it is best to just support Android and iOS. Their only true customers are the managers at the venture funds. If your revenue only requires you to give a demo, supporting a single device is good enough. And many in Silicon valley have phones running Android or iOS. Yet like BlackBerry’s popularity in Canada, or Nokia’s dominance in Finland, the fact that Android and iOS are more common then average in the communities that surround Mountain View and Cupertino should be neither surprising nor meaningful. So as long as Saunders and Scoble are talking about two different things it is unlikely that they are going to see eye to eye on the issue. So maybe RIM is not that relevant in the nonsense of Silicon Valley venture capital games. Who cares? For the most part these venture backed companies do not matter in the larger world at all. It would be (in all honesty) a waste of time for RIM to care what these “companies” think. But for those of us who see our customers as the people who buy our apps and games, for those of us who actually care about growing a business, for those of us where more customers means more revenue instead of just more expenses, it would be silly not to support the millions of BlackBerry users. If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Eric at Ebscer for ©BerryReview, February 21, 2012, 9:32 am. | Scoble and Saunders are speaking different languages | 7 comments | | ||||||||||||||||||||
How to Add Yahoo Email, Contacts, & Calendar to Your PlayBook OS 2.0 Posted: 21 Feb 2012 05:33 AM PST If you happen to still be a Yahoo user and upgraded to PlayBook OS 2.0 you may have noticed that RIM does not have a menu option to add Yahoo accounts. It will easily add your Yahoo email account but contacts and calendar do not get setup easily. Turns out RIM has kindly put out a bit of detail on how to get that setup by yourself by using the CalDAV and CardDAV server configuration. I am still digging into it but these are the instructions for getting Yahoo contacts and calendar to sync: To add a Yahoo Calendar account:
To add a Yahoo Address book account:
To add a Yahoo Email account:
If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview, February 21, 2012, 8:33 am. | How to Add Yahoo Email, Contacts, & Calendar to Your PlayBook OS 2.0 | 11 comments | | ||||||||||||||||||||
Tips & Tricks for BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 Email, Contacts, & Calendar (Help Us Build The List!) Posted: 21 Feb 2012 05:24 AM PST In the last few hours I have had a chance to dig further into the latest released PlayBook OS 2.0. This is a huge step forward for RIM but a totally new interface even for current BlackBerry owners. I thought we could start by creating a tips and tricks list where we can all share what we have learned starting with email and messages. Here are some of the ones I have found so far:
This is by no means a complete list but help us add to the list in the comments! If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview, February 21, 2012, 8:24 am. | Tips & Tricks for BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 Email, Contacts, & Calendar (Help Us Build The List!) | 30 comments | | ||||||||||||||||||||
WordPress for the BlackBerry PlayBook now out! Posted: 21 Feb 2012 04:40 AM PST Wordpress users, rejoice! The team from Automatic has ported their Android version of the WordPress app to the PlayBook so that everyone can make use of it on the go. Do give this a shot if your running wordpress! It includes the following features: Of course, the features are well, much similar to that which you would find in the WordPress for BlackBerry of course with the exception that it is designed for your PlayBook with a much higher resolution. Download available from BlackBerry AppWorld If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Terrence T for ©BerryReview, February 21, 2012, 7:40 am. | WordPress for the BlackBerry PlayBook now out! | 6 comments | |
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