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- BerryWeather v2.6.12 Adds OS 7.0 Features Including BBM
- Hot! RIM’s “Operation Disruptive Transformation” to Stomp the Competition?
- OS for BlackBerry Bold 9900 & Torch 9810 Found Online
- Bell Canada Now Selling BlackBerry Torch 9810 & Bold 9900
- BBM Hackathon Devs Heading to NYC – Three BerryReview Contestants
- Virgin Mobile Canada Now Selling BlackBerry Bold 9900 & Torch 9810
- Official BlackBerry Bold 9900 OS OS from Vodafone DE
- SMS Bridge for the PlayBook Gets Really Creative
- QNX Gets Best Billboard Advertisement Yet! Two Naughty!
- Unlock Your New BlackBerry 7 Device @ the BerryReview Unlock Store for $4.95
- When Will the BlackBerry 7 Device Advertising Blitz Start?
- Kindle on the PlayBook – Amazon Kindle Cloud Reader
- Bell Document Shows Wi-Fi Hotspot Coming “Post Launch” & Torch 9860 Launch Date
- AT&T BlackBerry Torch 9810 Launch Any Day Now
BerryWeather v2.6.12 Adds OS 7.0 Features Including BBM Posted: 11 Aug 2011 03:06 AM PDT The hugely popular BerryWeather (aka BeWeather) weather app from Bellshare just got a nice update. They have updated the app to support higher resolution background images for the new OS 7.0 devices. They have also thrown in support for the new Send Menu API provided in OS 7.0 to share weather or weather advisories through Facebook, Twitter, BBM, and other sharing apps. The full change log includes:
If you already own a copy of BerryWeather you can pick up this update at Bellshare's mobile website. If you don't have a copy you can purchase BerryWeather in the store for $9.95. If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview, August 11, 2011, 6:06 am. | BerryWeather v2.6.12 Adds OS 7.0 Features Including BBM | Leave a comment | |
Hot! RIM’s “Operation Disruptive Transformation” to Stomp the Competition? Posted: 10 Aug 2011 08:23 PM PDT A new tipster sent us a slide deck that we really had to post. From what we are hearing Mike and Jim and his senior team are pushing this Operation Disruptive Transformation at RIM which was designed by John J. Simpson. The tipster told us that upper management is totally committed to this strategy. This is just the overview deck and there are supposedly 2 others we are trying to get our hands on. Either way I am pumped and it seems like the teams at RIM are too. Even if the slides are not the real deal I am really hoping RIM’s execs have a similar plan. If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview, August 10, 2011, 11:23 pm. | Hot! RIM’s “Operation Disruptive Transformation” to Stomp the Competition? | 17 comments | |
OS for BlackBerry Bold 9900 & Torch 9810 Found Online Posted: 10 Aug 2011 04:48 PM PDT
BlackBerry Torch 9810 OS @FileServe BlackBerry Bold 9900 OS @FileServe Warning: This OS will not install on any other BlackBerry besides the one mentioned above and is not an official release.If you do not know how to upgrade your BlackBerry OS please start by reading this step by step guide.Don't forget to delete the vendor.xml file located in c:program files>common files>research in motion>apploader to install it on a different carriers device. Don't forget our usual warnings: do not download and install these updates if you don't know what you're doing. Incorrect procedure or just bad luck could render your BlackBerry inoperative or unstable. If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview, August 10, 2011, 7:48 pm. | OS for BlackBerry Bold 9900 & Torch 9810 Found Online | 3 comments | |
Bell Canada Now Selling BlackBerry Torch 9810 & Bold 9900 Posted: 10 Aug 2011 04:29 PM PDT The carrier keep on falling into line with the Canadian launch of BlackBerry 7 devices. The latest is Bell Canada which is now carrying the BlackBerry Bold 9900 and BlackBerry Torch 9810. The 9900 is going for $169.95 and the 9810 is going for $149.95 with a three year contract. For some annoying reason Bell is not labeling the new BlackBerrys as "superphones" but hopefully RIM can get them to correct that. Check them all out on Bell's website: Thanks to @siege_saskbound for the tip! If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview, August 10, 2011, 7:29 pm. | Bell Canada Now Selling BlackBerry Torch 9810 & Bold 9900 | One comment | |
BBM Hackathon Devs Heading to NYC – Three BerryReview Contestants Posted: 10 Aug 2011 02:40 PM PDT BlackBerry Developers + BBM SDK + Caffeine = Awesome BBM powered apps. At least that is what we are looking forward to from the RIM BBM Hackathon event here in NYC this week. The Hackathon begins tomorrow morning and will task the 30 handpicked devs to create the best BBM SDK powered BlackBerry smartphone apps. The competition is going to be very fierce with some serious developer talent heading to NYC today for the event tomorrow. We will be doing our best to cover the event but watching developers code is sort of boring until there is beta testing to be done. While TJ won our BerryReview Hackathon we managed to get our two runner up contestants to also be included in the Hackathon. That means 3 devs will be representing BerryReview at the Hackathon namely:
There are 27 other contestants coming to NYC but it should be interesting to see what comes out of this. We will keep you up to date as this develops. Let us know who you are cheering for! Hopefully it is for Team BerryReview! You can find the full list of contestants below. We will have more details about the contestants tomorrow. Ayman Hindam If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview, August 10, 2011, 5:40 pm. | BBM Hackathon Devs Heading to NYC – Three BerryReview Contestants | 2 comments | |
Virgin Mobile Canada Now Selling BlackBerry Bold 9900 & Torch 9810 Posted: 10 Aug 2011 01:34 PM PDT It looks like a full on rollout up north. The latest carrier to start carrying the latest BlackBerry 7 devices is Virgin Mobile Canada. They are now listing the BlackBerry Bold 9900 and the BlackBerry Torch 9810 for sale on their website. The price is $169 for now. Check out the Virgin Mobile Canada website for all the info. Thanks BD for the tip! If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview, August 10, 2011, 4:34 pm. | Virgin Mobile Canada Now Selling BlackBerry Bold 9900 & Torch 9810 | 3 comments | |
Official BlackBerry Bold 9900 OS OS from Vodafone DE Posted: 10 Aug 2011 11:16 AM PDT
Either way you can now pick up OS for the BlackBerry Bold 9900 from Vodafone DE Warning: This OS will not install on any other BlackBerry besides the one mentioned above. Don't forget to delete the vendor.xml file located in c:program files>common files>research in motion>apploader to install it on a different carriers device. If you do not know how to upgrade your BlackBerry OS please start by reading this step by step guide. If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview, August 10, 2011, 2:16 pm. | Official BlackBerry Bold 9900 OS OS from Vodafone DE | 4 comments | |
SMS Bridge for the PlayBook Gets Really Creative Posted: 10 Aug 2011 08:01 AM PDT I have heard quite a few users complaining that the BlackBerry Bridge for the PlayBook does not support SMS messages. While I don't see that as critical since SMS is ridiculously expensive here in the US I am simply amazed with the creativity of Ming Huang and their SMS Bridge app for the PlayBook. The bridge app forwards the SMS you get to your PlayBook as an email through its app on your BlackBerry. From what I can tell it doesn't actually forward the email but rather makes a copy of the text message and then creates a new email out of it. Ming got even more creative by letting you reply to SMS from your PlayBook through those emails which are sent out through their transport. I am not sure exactly how that works but they also show your latest two phone calls in your inbox through the bridge which you can reply to and have it send a SMS to that contact. Honestly I have not had a chance to try the app for myself since a friend borrowed my PlayBook but check out the SMS bridge for $3.99 in App World if you get a chance. If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview, August 10, 2011, 11:01 am. | SMS Bridge for the PlayBook Gets Really Creative | One comment | |
QNX Gets Best Billboard Advertisement Yet! Two Naughty! Posted: 10 Aug 2011 07:53 AM PDT Seriously you would think that the stuffy retentive CYA loving RIM legal folks would never let something like this fly. Turns out that QNX has a sense of humor and is willing to show it publicly! Paul pointed out on their QNX blog that they are running a new cheeky billboard campaign in San Jose for the QNX operating system. It is highlighting how well the QNX OS handles multi-core processors but does it in a fun "tongue in cheek" way. Maybe RIM should be using QNX’s advertising department for the BlackBerry 7 launch? More images below: Let us know what you think of it! If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview, August 10, 2011, 10:53 am. | QNX Gets Best Billboard Advertisement Yet! Two Naughty! | 7 comments | |
Unlock Your New BlackBerry 7 Device @ the BerryReview Unlock Store for $4.95 Posted: 10 Aug 2011 07:45 AM PDT With the new BlackBerry 7 devices rolling out at full speed and carriers already selling the BlackBerry Bold 9900 things are getting exciting. We just wanted to confirm that the BerryReview Unlock Store is fully capable of unlocking the BlackBerry Bold 9900 & 9930, Torch 9810, and Torch 9850 & 9860. There is no new procedure and we have our summer unlock code sale going on so each code is only $4.95!!! So head on over to the BerryReview Unlock Store to unlock your new device! PS: Don’t forget that the BerryReview Unlock Store is sponsoring this months giveaway of a BlackBerry 7 device of your choice! If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview, August 10, 2011, 10:45 am. | Unlock Your New BlackBerry 7 Device @ the BerryReview Unlock Store for $4.95 | Leave a comment | |
When Will the BlackBerry 7 Device Advertising Blitz Start? Posted: 10 Aug 2011 06:43 AM PDT With RIM being very coy about the BlackBerry 7 device launch dates and carriers already rolling out the devices I am left with one question. What sort of advertising campaign will accompany RIM's largest device rollout ever? If you remember the Torch 9800 last year that was in your face for a few months and really helped sales. Now that RIM is launching 7 new devices in a month you think we should be hearing about it on every advertising medium out there. Customers should know that the new wave of BlackBerrys is finally here or almost here. What do you think? If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview, August 10, 2011, 9:43 am. | When Will the BlackBerry 7 Device Advertising Blitz Start? | 12 comments | |
Kindle on the PlayBook – Amazon Kindle Cloud Reader Posted: 10 Aug 2011 06:20 AM PDT Amazon Kindle Cloud Reader is now available. While it’s clear that PlayBook support was not a first priority, with a couple of tweaks the PlayBook is supported. It’s not perfect, but it’s a fair bit better than the love Amazon has shown for PlayBook to date (that is to say – none at all). To get started visit the link below from your PlayBook and sign in with your Amazon credentials: Some issues and the workaround for them:
I’ll see if I can’t whip up a “Kindle App” for the weekend, which will give us a launcher separate from the web browser and true full-screen. (If somebody else doesn’t beat me to it – I’m limited to my laptop for the next couple of days as I’m attending the BBM Hackathon, and don’t have the full PB dev environment set up.) Hopefully I can find a way to force an “offline” mode as well, so that you can launch it with no connection at all. Some first impressions:
While I can’t help but wish it was a little better integrated with the PlayBook’s features, this effectively fills a gap many of us have been waiting for since the PlayBook launch. If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by marc.paradise for ©BerryReview, August 10, 2011, 9:20 am. | Kindle on the PlayBook – Amazon Kindle Cloud Reader | 15 comments | |
Bell Document Shows Wi-Fi Hotspot Coming “Post Launch” & Torch 9860 Launch Date Posted: 10 Aug 2011 05:57 AM PDT The latest news from up north is that Bell is getting the BlackBerry Torch 9860 on August 22nd. Also interesting is the spec sheet for the Q3 BlackBerry lineup from Bell that sheds some light on the BlackBerry 7 Mobile Wi-Fi Hotspot feature. The document scored by MobileSyrup clearly states that Wi-Fi hotspot functionality will be available via a software update post launch. Hopefully RIM means that update is coming less than a month after launch because I know I could really use it for my PlayBook and laptop! If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview, August 10, 2011, 8:57 am. | Bell Document Shows Wi-Fi Hotspot Coming “Post Launch” & Torch 9860 Launch Date | 6 comments | |
AT&T BlackBerry Torch 9810 Launch Any Day Now Posted: 10 Aug 2011 04:39 AM PDT We have been hearing rumors that the AT&T BlackBerry Torch 9810 is dropping any day now. We know AT&T is pushing the Torch 9810 before the 9900 because they have an exclusive on the device but it looks like the 9900 won't even launch close to the 9810. N4BB managed to score a stock sheet showing how the BlackBerry Torch 9810 is supposed to be laid out on display with a Curve 9300 between two Torch 9810's. Hopefully the 9900 will still launch in August on AT&T. If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview, August 10, 2011, 7:39 am. | AT&T BlackBerry Torch 9810 Launch Any Day Now | 6 comments | |
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