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- Giveaway: BlackBerry PlayBook Ballistic Tough Jacket Series Case
- RIM Posts Maintenance Releases for BES v5.0.3 MR4 & BES Express 5.0.3 MR1
- BlackBerry Music Rumors Continue to Surface
- Poynt Updated to v1.2 On the BlackBerry PlayBook
- Rumor: BlackBerry AppWorld 3.0 Coming August 22nd
- RIM Running Internal Developer Hackathon This Month!
- Vent Your Frustration with Hit My Boss for the BlackBerry PlayBook
- White 9810 Now Available from Rogers and Telus
- BlackBerry OS 7 Media Launch in Singapore
- Top 50 Android Apps Account for 61% Of App Usage – More Games + Quality over Quantity?
- BlackBerry Torch 9810 Reviews Roundup!
- BlackBerry Bold 9900 Dummy Units Start Arriving at T-Mobile Stores
- Facebook for BlackBerry Gets Quick v2.0.0.45 Bug Fix Update
- Angry Farm Game 50% Off Today – Get It for Only $2.49
Giveaway: BlackBerry PlayBook Ballistic Tough Jacket Series Case Posted: 19 Aug 2011 03:00 PM PDT
Product description and features:
The case cost $69 at Giveaway: We have one of this case to giveaway to one lucky reader. Simply leave a comment below for a chance to win, and no double posting does not increase your chance of winning it simply disqualifies you. Comments must be left before Monday August 22nd. If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Luis Merlos for ©BerryReview, August 19, 2011, 6:00 pm. | Giveaway: BlackBerry PlayBook Ballistic Tough Jacket Series Case | 27 comments | | ||||
RIM Posts Maintenance Releases for BES v5.0.3 MR4 & BES Express 5.0.3 MR1 Posted: 19 Aug 2011 12:55 PM PDT For those of you who are tasked with maintaining BlackBerry Enterprise Servers this is a bit of news you should know about. RIM has quietly rolled out maintenance releases for most of the latest BES versions this week. It involves a whole slew of bug fixes bringing each Server to these levels:
You can pick up the new Maintenance Releases at this link on If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview, August 19, 2011, 3:55 pm. | RIM Posts Maintenance Releases for BES v5.0.3 MR4 & BES Express 5.0.3 MR1 | 2 comments | | ||||
BlackBerry Music Rumors Continue to Surface Posted: 19 Aug 2011 12:38 PM PDT If you have been following some of the recent headlines, you would have seen mention of the new BlackBerry Music service. Our friends over at CrackBerry posted some new details about the service today.
It is a good start for the most part, and it will be very interesting to see how this evolves, especially with competing music services like Google Music. Source: If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Fubaz for ©BerryReview, August 19, 2011, 3:38 pm. | BlackBerry Music Rumors Continue to Surface | 2 comments | | ||||
Poynt Updated to v1.2 On the BlackBerry PlayBook Posted: 19 Aug 2011 10:58 AM PDT Poynt has rolled out v1.2 of their PlayBook app today. This new version does not have an official changelog sadly but users have been sending in unofficial ones. So far BarracudaBob noticed events and gas added like the smartphone app. Tim let us know that you can now buy movie tickets too. Let us know what else you spot! You can pick up the new version of Poynt free in App World If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview, August 19, 2011, 1:58 pm. | Poynt Updated to v1.2 On the BlackBerry PlayBook | 5 comments | | ||||
Rumor: BlackBerry AppWorld 3.0 Coming August 22nd Posted: 19 Aug 2011 09:36 AM PDT World on the web has gotten around this morning that BlackBerry AppWorld 3.0 will be released on Monday August 22nd. I have been beta testing it for a few weeks now, and it is the upgrade that AppWorld has needed. The program in beta is still not perfect, but a nice upgrade from 2.0. Hopefully RIM has a build that had not been released to the Betazone, with some of the issues fixed. Here is the email with details:
Source: N4BB If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Fubaz for ©BerryReview, August 19, 2011, 12:36 pm. | Rumor: BlackBerry AppWorld 3.0 Coming August 22nd | 7 comments | | ||||
RIM Running Internal Developer Hackathon This Month! Posted: 19 Aug 2011 09:25 AM PDT For years I have been saying that RIM needs to start encouraging their internal BlackBerry developers to create slick BlackBerry apps. I have heard some rumblings that RIM was making strides in this direction but this confirms it. RIM is throwing their FIRST internal 24 hour Hackathon on August 26th and 27th. They are letting developers, programmers, and hackers at RIM develop whatever they want for the Hackathon and RIM's top developers will judge the results. I am really hoping this sparks some awesome apps from developers at RIM. I know it is a bit competitive with 3rd party developers but most of the best BlackBerry apps come from RIM. One idea would be RIM simply giving their internal developers a cash or other prize and open sourcing the Hackathon winners projects for all BlackBerry devs to benefit and learn from. Here is the email RIM sent out to all of their "Cognoscenti" Hey RIM Cognoscenti, RIM's first internal 24 hour hackathon will take place at the end of the summer term, on August 26th to 27th. That's right, this is one week away! Programmers, developers, and hackers are all welcome to come out and hack up whatever they'd like. We'll have developers handy to help out those who haven't coded before and if you'd like to work in a team we will help you find partners. At the end of the 24 hours there'll be top RIM developers judging and a chance for you to show off your creativity and programming skill. Thanks to the generous support of David Yach, CTO, and assistance from the members of the Developer Relations team, we'll have things to eat and copious amounts of beverages to keep you going for 24hrs. So come out for a weekend of hacking, developing, and programming! Sincerely, Addy Cameron-Huff and Peter Guba *Please forward this invitation to anyone you feel might be interested in attending.* More Details Time: August the 26th @ 6:00pm to the 27th @ 7:00pm Location: RIM Campus (Specific Location TBA) Who: If(You.canRead(this)){You.areInvitedTo('The First RIM Hackathon');} Judges: Members of the Developer Relations team & other special guests RSVP Even if you’re simply contemplating, please RSVP to the event by sending an email to Peter Guba . This will allow us to ensure that we have the adequate accommodations and an ample amount of refreshments for the participants. Thank you! If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview, August 19, 2011, 12:25 pm. | RIM Running Internal Developer Hackathon This Month! | One comment | | ||||
Vent Your Frustration with Hit My Boss for the BlackBerry PlayBook Posted: 19 Aug 2011 08:20 AM PDT While some people have developed their own healthy ways for dealing with frustrating bosses others may resort to more drastic measures like hitting a wall or screaming. Migital is hoping to help you vent your anger with "Hit My Boss" for the BlackBerry PlayBook. Here is how they describe the app:
The app lets you turn your boss into a monkey, panda, penguin, skeleton, or turtle (sadly no "Tool" option) and then slap, punch, or hit him. Good clean healthy fun and Hit My Boss is cheaper than a punching bag selling for $2.99 in App World. Just make sure not to injure your PlayBook or your fingers in the process… You can also try the free "Whack Your Boss 17 Ways" flash website. If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview, August 19, 2011, 11:20 am. | Vent Your Frustration with Hit My Boss for the BlackBerry PlayBook | One comment | | ||||
White 9810 Now Available from Rogers and Telus Posted: 19 Aug 2011 08:06 AM PDT After much anticipation, Rogers and Telus have officially released the Torch 9810 in white. It is available in stores and online. Most users who have wanted white devices in the past have had to wait months sometimes, and its nice to see it released in a timely fashion this time. Pricing will be the same as the original 9810 with no contract pricing for Rogers being $549 and Telus $599. You can get this device on a 3 year term for $199 at Rogers and $129 at Telus. Leave a comment if you are specifically getting this one because it is white. If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Fubaz for ©BerryReview, August 19, 2011, 11:06 am. | White 9810 Now Available from Rogers and Telus | One comment | | ||||
BlackBerry OS 7 Media Launch in Singapore Posted: 19 Aug 2011 08:05 AM PDT Its been sometime since the OS 7 devices have been launched in the USA and UK. Let’s not, however, forget about our friends over in the other side of the world, in Asia. Yesterday, RIM officially announced the Blackberry OS 7 devices – Torch 9810, Torch 9860 and Bold 9900 – for sale in Singapore, from September 1, 2011. Blackberry 9780 vs Blackberry 7230 Well, RIM showed us their new focuses for the upcoming devices which are based on Community, Choice and experience, which is as shown at the below slide RIM's upcoming focus In addition, specifications of the devices were showed off, comparing to competition Blackberry vs competition Showcase of New Blackberry Devices Blackberry 9860 vs Blackberry 7230Blackberry 9810 vs Blackberry 7230 Blackberry 9810 vs Blackberry 7230 Checkout what they have to say: Desktop Video Link | Mobile Video LinkDescription of the Blackberry enviroment Why the Blackberry is unique, successful Blackberry 7 Walk through Part 1 Blackberry 7 Walk through Part 2 Blackberry 7 Walk through Part 3 Blackberry 7 Walk through Part 4 If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Terrence T for ©BerryReview, August 19, 2011, 11:05 am. | BlackBerry OS 7 Media Launch in Singapore | Leave a comment | | ||||
Top 50 Android Apps Account for 61% Of App Usage – More Games + Quality over Quantity? Posted: 19 Aug 2011 07:57 AM PDT A recent Neilson study that was just published confirmed a theory I have had for a long time now. In the app store wars it is all about quality over quantity. App stores may harp about having 250,000 or 350,000 apps but most users only really use a maximum of 5-10 apps regularly. According to Neilson this is the case for Android where:
So I decided to take a look at some of the top 10 apps reported in the Android Marketplace and noticed something interesting. Here are the top 10 Free and Paid apps:
Notice first that almost 40% of the "Apps" are games? Of the remaining 12 apps four of the six free ones are also available on BlackBerry in some form. Another 4 of the apps are only really applicable to Android (ROM Manager, Task Killer, Launcher, & Widgets). If you look at the full list of top 50 paid and free apps in the Android Market you get more or less the same story with a few standouts like Skype and Netflix along with a huge abundance of games listed as apps. The other listing I found very interesting was the top grossing apps in App World. The second top grossing app in the Android Marketplace is Documents to Go. An app that now comes free on BlackBerry OS 7 and future devices which is nice. Most of the rest seem to be games. This really drives home a key point to RIM. Games are VERY important for users and when users are asking for "apps" it seems like they mean games. RIM is making some great headway on the BlackBerry PlayBook with games but the BlackBerry handhelds need the same treatment. BlackBerry 7 devices with OpenGL should help a bit but the QNX support for gaming SDK's is key along with headliner games like Angry Birds. In terms of apps RIM needs to make a concerted effort to bring the top 50, 100, or even 500 apps to both BlackBerry smartphones and the PlayBook if they have not already done so. It seems to be a huge case of quality over quantity. App discoverability is also key for smaller niche apps and developers since many BlackBerry users and even Android users barely get past the top 50 apps. What do you think? PS: Keep in mind this Neilson study is about "Time in Apps" or how long you spend in them. Some apps like weather apps are very useful but you don't spend a ton of time in them. Neilson also does not list out what top 10 or top 50 apps they are specifically ranking. If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview, August 19, 2011, 10:57 am. | Top 50 Android Apps Account for 61% Of App Usage – More Games + Quality over Quantity? | 6 comments | | ||||
BlackBerry Torch 9810 Reviews Roundup! Posted: 19 Aug 2011 06:59 AM PDT We did a roundup earlier this week of the reviews for the BlackBerry Bold 9900 & 9930, and the BlackBerry Torch 9850 & 9860. Now it is time to cover the revamped BlackBerry Torch 9810 reviews from this week. This time all of the reviews seem to be of the AT&T BlackBerry Torch 9810. This device is almost identical to the original BlackBerry Torch 9800 so in terms of the design it has just been 'snazzed' up a bit with a new color scheme. The main difference is the internals which were bumped up to a 1.2Ghz processor and other goodies. Here is a roundup of the latest reviews. Let us know if we missed any!BlackBerry Torch 9810 Reviews:
Let us know in the comments if you spot any more and we will update the list! If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview, August 19, 2011, 9:59 am. | BlackBerry Torch 9810 Reviews Roundup! | 3 comments | | ||||
BlackBerry Bold 9900 Dummy Units Start Arriving at T-Mobile Stores Posted: 19 Aug 2011 06:17 AM PDT T-Mobile has already confirmed that they plan on selling the BlackBerry Bold 9900 in stores on August 31st and started selling it to select business partners already. Still it is interesting that the Bold 9900 dummy units are already arriving at T-Mobile stores this far before the launch. T-Mobile plans on tacking the device with a $300 price tag after a $50 rebate which will hopefully go down soon. Pootermobile sent us these pics of the dummy units and it was interesting to see the T-Mobile 9900s are showing 4G as the connection instead of the Canadian 9900s that are showing H+ for the 14.4Mbps HSPA+ connection. If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by the BerryReview Team for ©BerryReview, August 19, 2011, 9:17 am. | BlackBerry Bold 9900 Dummy Units Start Arriving at T-Mobile Stores | 2 comments | | ||||
Facebook for BlackBerry Gets Quick v2.0.0.45 Bug Fix Update Posted: 19 Aug 2011 06:02 AM PDT RIM has started pushing out an update to Facebook for BlackBerry to fix a particular bug. This new version is a marginal update to v2.0.0.45 from According to the change log it fixes a specific bug where the application would freeze and the News Feed would not refresh. You can pick up the update in App World If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview, August 19, 2011, 9:02 am. | Facebook for BlackBerry Gets Quick v2.0.0.45 Bug Fix Update | Leave a comment | | ||||
Angry Farm Game 50% Off Today – Get It for Only $2.49 Posted: 19 Aug 2011 05:55 AM PDT The popular Angry Birds style game Angry Farm by SmarterApps is on sale in the store today. For today only you can pick up Angry Farm for $2.49 which is 50% off the regular $4.99 price. The game is quite popular and they keep on adding new levels without charging for them which is nice. They also just added support for BlackBerry 7 devices. You can find the Angry Farm deal in the store at this link If you liked this article, you might find these interesting:
Posted by Ronen Halevy for ©BerryReview, August 19, 2011, 8:55 am. | Angry Farm Game 50% Off Today – Get It for Only $2.49 | Leave a comment | |
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